搜索 Francesco

  • 伦理片
    <p>Sex cowboys is a travel inside our generation, the lost generation, destined to live without a permanent employment, a fixed home and a defined lifestyle. The characters of this travel are nomadic, precarious e immature in the comedy of their life: to Simone&#39;s anger and to Marla&#39;s magic need, alternates passion and sex. The generational crisis is inside us, and we have to find ...</p>
  • 剧情片
    &lt;p&gt;  当上帝为你关上一扇门时,往往他会为你打开另一扇。意大利男孩米克(Luca Capriotti 饰)虽然出身在穷乡僻壤,但他从小就梦想成一流的电影大师,只因他是那么的热爱电影。然而上帝跟他开了一个最残酷的玩笑,米克玩弄一支来复枪时不幸走火,从此他只能淹没在巨大的黑暗当中。 这一度令米克感到沮丧万分,仿佛活着已没有了动力。然而盲校的唐老师的一番话让米克豁然开朗,为什么音乐家在演奏时会闭上眼睛,因为那样音符会蜕变,变的更有力量。于是,米克选择了用耳朵代替眼睛,去记录他生活的点点滴滴。这时,我们才发现:原来,不仅可以看见天堂,还可以听见天堂。&lt;/p&gt;