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    <p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: &quot;Microsoft Yahei&quot;, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, Roboto, Ubuntu, &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, &quot;PingFang SC&quot;, &quot;Hiragino Sans GB&quot;, &quot;Microsoft Yahei UI&quot;, &quot;Source Han Sans CN&quot;, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">秀珍的表弟秀英落入永泰的靈性能力,成爲性奴。秀珍試圖和在民一起拯救秀英,但在民也被秀英迷住,堕落爲性奴。秀珍用愛的力量拯救了在民。确認彼此感情的秀珍和在民準備與反派永泰進行最後的戰鬥,以拯救秀英,最後赤身裸體地面對反派永泰。他能把秀英從性奴役中解救出來嗎?</span></p>
  • 伦理片
    Wannabe actress So-ra always fails in auditions and she doesn't think it's her acting that's failing her, but she's just unlucky and that there's something wrong with the directors. One day on the way back from a disappointing audition, she meets Seung-hyeon, a guy she used to act with. He invites her to the site where he is filming a movie and she is surprised by his acting skills. Coincidentally, So-ra gets to fill in for an actress who didn't show up and the filming becomes a disaster because of her acting...
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