搜索 D

  • 伦理片
    <p>Michael and Janie are a pair of young grad students living together on a quiet college campus. One day, Janie discovers that Michael has been cheating on her. She walks out on him, only to come back the next day to find him dead of a gunshot wound. The police suspect Janie, but the evidence seems to implicate Janie&#39;s friend, Frankie. Somehow, Janie must find a way to prove hers...</p>
  • 伦理片
    <p>寂静深夜,Selly(Violenzia Jeanette 饰)、Jack(Ricky Harun 饰)、Tando(Zidni Adam 饰)三名喜好刺激的青年男女驾驶机车飞驰在公路上,突然之间,Selly的机车失控,她摔倒在地,身受重伤,昏迷不醒,Jack、Tando连忙将其送往医院。与此同时,来自日本的女孩幸子(苍井空 饰)正准备和当地的导游外出游玩,谁知却不小心用车门夹上导游的手,语言本就不同的二人也慌慌张张前往医院。不久之后,两组人马在这间有些阴森的医院内会合,隐隐约约中,一个留着长发却看不清面容的女人不时逡巡在幸子等人的周围。   对于这几个有些倒霉的青年来说,恐怖而又爆笑的夜晚正慢慢拉开序幕……</p>
  • 伦理片
  • 伦理片
  • 伦理片
    <p>(Thai with English subtitles) The follow-up to the racy Brown Sugar anthology - this time three up-and-coming directors put their dark and surreal spin to the sensual collection of short stories.</p>