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    <p>Claire and Migoy&#39;s relationship is tested when Claire falls in love with Migoy, her son&#39;s best friend. This further complicates when it is revealed that Migoy is also secretly in a relationship with the boy who has been calling her Migoy.</p>
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    <p><span style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-family: ">何玉玲(蔡卓妍 饰)是杂志社的记者,一心想要出人头地的她将所有功夫都花在了一篇曝光官商勾结丑闻的报道上,然而,四个月的辛苦过去后,但稿件即将出版之时,何玉玲却发现自己的文章因为涉及了杂志社的某些隐秘利益而被撤换了。辛勤劳作的结果打了水漂,何玉玲的心情十分郁闷,她决定前往泰国清迈旅游,抒发心中的不快。在清迈,何玉玲结识了名叫阿东(Sunadcha Tadrabiab 饰)的雏妓,在了解了阿东的身世之后,何玉玲心生怜悯,决定不顾一切也要帮助她脱离苦海。原来,阿东的经历勾起了何玉玲对往事的回忆,在回忆中,一个亦父亦友的男人甘浩贤(任达华 饰)的身影始终磨灭不去。</span></p>
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    <p>In the series &quot;Emmanuelle in Space&quot;, Krista plays the lead role of Emmanuelle-an earth woman chosen by a group of space travelers to teach them about love, and human sexuality. Emmanuelle takes the aliens to such places as Las Vegas, Egypt, and Asia to teach them the wonders about sexuality. While doing this she forms a bond with the leader, Haffron, who falls in love with her....</p>