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  • 伦理片
    <p>《US式禁忌》是1984年出品的US经典伦理剧。讲述了一贫一富两个家庭之间连锁发生的一系列出轨、伦理事件,合理的剧情扩展、细腻的人物刻画使得情节真实可信,反映了现代社会里当道德、理想变成只是空洞、虚伪的口号后,人类的行为到底OK走到多远; 虚伪、庸俗、刻薄的鈡产阶级家庭妇钕Seleren夫人嫌贫嗳富,对子钕要求严格,而当她与花匠Chinaski通奸的事情败露后,她在家庭里所标榜的;理想、道德观 一夜之间全面崩溃,由思想前卫、放荡不羁的钕儿Nina所引发的两个家庭之间一系列的伦理揭开了帷幕    </p>
  • 伦理片
    I want to be with you even if it's for one night. I can do that. I think that's how I'll live. Don't you remember who I am??? Min-ah finds herself on a stranger's bed when she wakes up. She's handcuffed. Stranger Nam-gyu was next to her. I want to let you go but my heart wants you to stay... I know it might be tough but stay here with me... What's your name stranger? Sorry but I love you
  • 伦理片
    <p>别名: High Art / 粉身碎骨 阳光女孩席德(拉达米契尔 Radha Mitchell 饰)是一间摄影杂志的编辑,她活泼大方,和男友一起同居与纽约的一栋公寓。一次偶然的机会,因为家中浴室天花板的裂缝,席德认识了楼上的邻居露西(艾尔利 沙迪 Ally Sheedy 饰)。露西原来是一名有着大好前途的摄影师,因沉迷于毒品,事业彻底毁掉了。席德一心想帮助露西,于是两个女孩成了好友。两人交往的过程中,彼此吸引,渐渐走近对方的世界。席德开始吸一点毒,而露西则开始重新拿起相机,企图走进席德的阳光生活。然而,意外发生了。   </p>
  • 伦理片
    Wannabe actress So-ra always fails in auditions and she doesn't think it's her acting that's failing her, but she's just unlucky and that there's something wrong with the directors. One day on the way back from a disappointing audition, she meets Seung-hyeon, a guy she used to act with. He invites her to the site where he is filming a movie and she is surprised by his acting skills. Coincidentally, So-ra gets to fill in for an actress who didn't show up and the filming becomes a disaster because of her acting...
  • 伦理片