搜索 F

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    <p>When go-go dancer Lucía nicks a fortune in designer drugs from her mafia employers, the mobsters’ dogged pursuit forces her to seek sanctuary with her estranged sister Rocío and niece Alba in “The Venus,” a decrepit apartment complex on the outskirts of Madrid. As terrible, rotten, no-good luck would have it, Lucía soon finds herself sole guardian to little Alba after Rocío sud...</p>
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    <p>「使被动观众成为主动观察者、全神贯注等待下一步发展。」─《The Upcoming》网站   没有演员,没有剧本,没有虚假的情感。《我们与性的距离》是一部超越虚实的纪录剧情片,导演泰默姜达里 费时四个月,贴身拍摄七名住在德国科隆、介于25 至45 岁的男女,他们主宰自己的命运,并勇敢表现自己的 处境和感受。 苏菲亚搬回家和母亲姊妹同住,失业的她决定从事卖淫;索恩健壮有型并热衷拳击,他在女性床伴之间居无定 所,直到遇见令他心仪的女孩;列妮学习按摩治疗,也和热恋中的女友琵亚开始同居;史黛拉与男友尼克维持 开放式关系,却难掩心中的不安。 四组人物交错发展,在镜头前裸裎坦荡,做爱像呼吸一般自然,但更令人感同身受的,是对人生永不妥协的态 度,以及找到一份获得幸福并全心付出的爱情。只是,爱能否如此简单?性就能拉近彼此距离?</p>
  • 伦理片
    <p>Peter (Sean de Guzman) was a videographer for weddings and events. However, on his free time (which is a lot lately), he hung out in a remote picturesque lakeside camping area where couples came to do their coupling in open air. Peter would stalk these couples and sneakily take videos of their lovemaking while getting himself off. He would then post these sex videos on an onlin...</p>
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    <p>Taya 的导演执导的一部令人心跳加速的性感惊悚片。 五名劫匪闯入一位女演员的房子,并与警察发生血腥冲突,两名劫匪活下来。 别无选择,他们躲在屋子里,发现一切仿佛都是计划好的。</p>
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