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  • 科幻片
  • 喜剧片
    <p>《霹雳五号》是1986年由新力影业旗下子公司——三星影业所推出的科幻喜剧片。 NOVA军火公司开发了五台战争用机器人,而其中一台机器人“No.5”有一天突然被雷打中,而之后便产生了自我意识,并且开始自称自己为“强尼五号”。它逃到了街上,却被人类视为一大威胁,而剩下四台机器人也在追杀它,它必须设法说服发明它的科学家“自己是一种生命,而不是战争用机器人”。在一次短路状况下闯入了热心保护动物的史蒂芬妮家中,并从与人交往的过程中学习到人类的智慧的人性,后来拒绝回到武器公司充当他们的杀人工具。</p>
  • 剧情片
    <p>This movie is a recorded performance in concert. It all begins when Benjamin Barker( George Hearn), a mysterious,quiet,and subtle barber, returns to his hometown in London after escaping from a prison in Australia with help from a young sailor named Anthony. Now Sweeney Todd, he returns to his home where he and his wife Lucie and daughter Johanna used to live. When he arrives he meets Mrs. Nellie Lovett(Patti Lupone), a lonely woman who owns a down and out pie shop, and discovers that his wife has poisoned herself and the judge that unfairly punished him is responsible and the judge also has his daughter. So then Sweeney plots his revenge on the judge and his accomplice the Beadle and with help from Mrs. Lovett he re-opens his barber shop and vows to give the judge the closest shave he will ever know and give Mrs. Lovett a tasty new ingredient for her homemade meat pies. --- (Written by Thomas )</p>
  • 动作片
    <p>间谍加布利尔(约翰•特拉沃塔 John Travolta)在多年特工生涯中,获知政府多年非法收敛了一笔公款。而加布利尔若想实现自己心中的梦想,钱是最关键的因素。正因如此,机智狡猾的加布利尔决定向这笔赃...</p>